Making Headway


Despite promising to cover some of the modelling processes I use for the 'Heartbreaker' project, I'm just doing a short post today. Hard surface modelling techniques can wait until I have time (and/or inclination) to do a proper write up.

In my ongoing modelling odyssey* the Heartbreaker project continues, today with the 'finishing' of the head. I say 'finishing' as there are still a few things to do, like a few interior panels that lie behind the exterior panels, but essentially I have finished the main modelling.

Below is the comparison between the old head and the new one. Basically every piece was taken back to a basic stage to be rebuilt or just finished according to some better (or what I believe to be better) reference images.

*Arguably comparable in terms of epicness to The Odyssey by Homer. Not that Homer, the other one, the non-doughnut eating one. Maybe that's unfair. Who am I to say Homer didn't like doughnuts? Maybe he loved them. Maybe referencing different Homers by their doughnut preference was ill-advised and I simply should have been more specific, or, in reality, maybe there aren't as many similarities between this modelling project and an 8th century, ancient Greek poem as I thought...

Below is a still of the new version of the head as well as the back:

I hope you liked the title of this post: 'Making Headway'. It was a pun, because this post has been about the head I've been modelling and because of the progress or 'headway' I've been making. Puns really do give us the best of both worlds: they're fun and informative.
